Commitment to Our Children

Environmental Sustainability

Decore Group is committed to environmental preservation, ensuring, to the best of our ability, the world we leave our children is unblemished by our past. Our subsidiaries, Maligne Lodge, Tonquin Inn, WickedCup, and Dogtopia (Downtown Edmonton), live this vision every day by:

All Decore Group properties:

  • Upgrading lighting systems and using energy efficient light bulbs
  • Using glassware vs consumables
  • Planting trees
  • Ethically sourced and fair-trade procurement
  • Water Conservation Program:
    • Low-flow showerheads, toilet inserts, dishwashers, and washing machines
  • Efficient Waste Management:
    • Reducing paper use by moving to digital alternatives
    • Reducing waste by inspecting trash and recycling
    • Eliminating single use products
    • Considering environmental impact when purchasing
  • Energy Conservation Program:
    • Standard set points for thermostats
    • Using natural light whenever possible
    • Ensuring electronics are off
    • Replacing old equipment with energy efficient models

Decore Hotels (Maligne Lodge & Tonquin Inn):

  • Optional linen services
  • Towel replacement program
  • Staff bicycles
  • Recycled coffee bean fire logs
  • Using duvet covers instead of full sheet sets
  • Replacing windows with new, more efficient panes
  • Ensuring windows/doors are closed when heating/cooling systems are operating


  • Organic teas and coffees

Based on ability, Decore Group is considering the following changes to further reduce our environmental footprint:

  • Eliminating more single use consumables
  • Alternative energy (solar)
  • Upgrading electrical systems
  • Replacing boilers/furnaces with energy efficient

Decore Group and its subsidiaries understand the necessity of acting now for the future of our children.

Through Interface's Carbon Neutral Floors program Decore Hotels Purchased 1,235 square metres of carbon neutral flooring   This will result in the retirement of 9 metric tons of carbon dioxide  Equivalent of the emissions from a car traveling 37,129 kilometres* By choosing our Carbon Neutral Floors you have ensured that there is less carbon in our atmosphere  and we're a step closer to creating a climate fit for life

Social Sustainability

Decore Group believes well-being — heart, body, and mind — holds as much importance as our duties. Regardless of age, colour, national origin, physical impairments, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, we encourage others to initiate conversation, inspire others, and change the world through engagement, inclusiveness, and empathy.

  • We respect and are curious without judgement.
  • We listen with empathy and consider differing perspectives.
  • We communicate directly and know healthy discussion leads to a solution, avoiding gossip.
  • We mentor, encouraging others to thrive and accomplish their aspirations.
  • We enjoy a fun workplace filled with laughter.

Furthermore, we demonstrate our commitment by offering:

Team members:

  • Workplace accommodation
  • Open door policy & quarterly staff surveys
  • Resources for heart, mind, and body health
  • Benefits commencing with hiring
  • Mentorship program
  • Use of amenities
  • Friends & family rates
  • Reduced-rent staff accommodation
  • Activity & fitness program
  • Education & training program
  • Regular team member activities and functions


  • A home-styled experience
  • Our facilities to organizations and community members when in need
  • Donations to local charities who focus on children’s heart, body, and mind
  • Events for fundraising which align with our mission, vision, and principles
  • Support to community initiatives which promote diversity
  • Our business to local suppliers
  • Accessibility options for visitors

Decore Group and its subsidiaries are committed to the continued growth of our team members, their families, and our community. In furtherance of this effort, we plan to:

  • Increase supports for team members
  • Be receptive to future community initiatives and organizations
  • Continue to source from local suppliers whenever possible

Decore Group and its subsidiaries know impactful change can occur from a tiny kindness.